Thursday, June 14, 2012


It has been a little while since I have blogged.  I have just moved to Nanjing and I am sad to be out of Shanghai.  The last week in Shanghai was great.  I hung out alot with my training group and really had some quality time with them.  They are all such amazing people it was so hard to leave them.  They have very quickly become family over here. 

I got to experience another soccer game between france and England at a western bar called the CAMEL.  It was so amazing to be around all the british and french people and really feel the energy of the game.

I can say that the past month and half of my life has been the most stressful...trying...wonderful life changing times of my life!

I moved via train today and had a slight disaster of a trip trying to move four bags by myself through the train lines...Luckily for me a friend helped me to the train station and up to the gate of my train terminal.  So I didn't have to do it alone.  I also had a guy from the gate to the train help me with my stuff which was so nice seeing as one of my bags wheels decided to buckle and I was draggin it through the station. 

Okay now back to nanjing...I have seen nothing of it because I was running on so little sleep that I just decided to go to sleep when I got here. I have a fish in the hotel...its a beta her name is lily...though I am pretty sure it is a boy beta....they said its a girl and her name is lily.   The wall to the bathroom is actually a window so thank goodness it is just me here because you can see people going to the bathroom from the bed in the hotel....WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER DO THAT :)   I walked around a bit tonight looking for food...which I found none of...and I realized that this city of 7 million people is SOOO much smaller than Shanghai I can actually see large amounts of the sky....I miss the high rise buildings though...As crazy as it might seem a city of 25 million people is comforting...I miss the family marts and all days being on every corner....those are like convient stores that were everywhere...I miss being surrounded by huge buildings too..

Tomorrow I start work at my center... I am excited to see what it will be like....I am also excited to get settled and find food lol.....That is all for now.  I am happy to be home.....

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